Welcome to Counseling Center
The counseling center is located at second floor in the te-fu building. We provide confidential, supportive counseling services such as individual counseling, group counseling, workshops and psychological assessment to students who need help in dealing with emotional problems, relationships, or career planning. You can come here to reserve a counseling section or can arrange on our website in the online counseling reservation system
The Center opens 8.00a.m.-5.00p.m. on weekdays and provides night services on Monday and Wednesday 5.00p.m-9.00pm during the semester. Please contact us at (02)2801-3131 #6880-6889 E-mail:stcenter@mail.sju.edu.tw
Our serves
Individual Counseling
The counseling center offers individual counseling by professionally qualified counselors. If you are trapped in personal problems such as relationship difficulties, stress, emotion problems, and many others. Welcome to book the counseling session. |
Regular workshops and Groups
The Workshops and Groups help students facilitate their personal growth, manage relationships, relieve stress and anxiety, and improve interpersonal communication skills. |
Mental Health Survey & Psychological Tests
The mental health surveys in freshmen are held by the center to find out the adjustment problems student in order to do the Crisis intervention. The freshman who has the difficulties in mental or emotional will be followed up by counselors and are helped to manage their difficulties. The Center also provides various psychological tests relate to personality, career development and the tests helps student to enhance their self-understanding. |